PAP5: Breathing Difficulties

PAP5: Breathing Difficulties

Bronchiolitis is a general term used to describe non-specific inflammatory injury that primarily affects the small airways and generally limits the extent to interstice. In the adult clinic, conventional and high-resolution radiology and respiratory functional studies are suggestive of the diagnosis but the etiology usually requires tissue. For this reason, in this work, although there are clinical and radiological classifications, we will use the histologic classification. The goal is a simple, concise and updated monograph issue discussing the different types of adult bronchiolitis, pathophysiology, diagnosis and current therapeutic options.

This is not a complete list of all the medications that can interact with bronchodilators, and not all of these interactions apply to each type of bronchodilator. But speak to your GP if you regularly use bronchodilators and you’re considering having a baby or think you might be pregnant. The side effects of bronchodilators can vary, depending on the specific medication you’re taking.

RCGP Curriculum – 15.8 Respiratory Problems

In most infants the disease is self-limiting, with symptoms peaking on days 3-5. In 90% of patients the cough resolves within 3 weeks, and can last up to 6 weeks (if generally improving picture). Most cases are mild and clear up within 2 to 3 weeks without the need for treatment, although some children have severe symptoms and need hospital treatment. Measure the oxygen saturation in every child presenting with a respiratory illness.

  • Sedate with morphine starting at 20 mcg/kg/hr (range 10 – 60 mcg/kg/hr) and consider adding midazolam at a dose of 1 – 4 mcg/kg/min for infants over 3 months of age.
  • Centrilobular nodules are consistent with the anatomical localization of the bronchioles [11].
  • Internationally, the definition is sometimes broadened to include a first episode of acute viral wheeze.

Speak to your GP if you think your child has an increased risk of developing severe bronchiolitis. It’s not clear whether having bronchiolitis as an infant increases your risk of developing asthma later in life, or whether there are environmental or genetic (inherited) factors that cause both bronchiolitis and asthma. This damage can last for 3 to 4 months in some children, causing persistent wheezing and coughing.

Common conditions

The flow-volume curve has greater availability and forced expiratory flow between 25%-75% of FVC (FEF25%-75% and FEF50%) is used more broadly as sensitive measure of function of small airways. These tests allow early detection of small airways dysfunction, they are very sensitive, unspecific and less reproducible [7,8]. FEV1, that predominantly identifies airflow obstruction in airways with diameter greater than 2 mm, can be reduced but in more advanced stages. When the process is very extensive and diffuse, with severe airflow obstruction can add a mild restriction [9].

About lung conditions

Bronchiolitis is a common infection of the lower respiratory tract that affects babies and young children under 2 years old. It’s commonest from November to March and unfortunately you can get it more than once during this period. Physiotherapy
Do not perform chest physiotherapy routinely on patients with bronchiolitis.

Don’t smoke cigarettes or vape in your home or anywhere near your child, and ask others not to as well. Bronchiolitis is caused by a virus so antibiotics will not help where can i buy legal steroids and can have side effects of their own. Acts as a mucolytic by loosening thick stick secretions that can block the airways and also helps reduce mucosal oedema.

Once you become infected, the virus enters the respiratory system through the windpipe (trachea). For example, your child can become infected after touching a toy that has the virus on it and then touching their eyes, mouth or nose. Medical advice is not needed if your child has mild cold-like symptoms and is recovering well.


Administration can however cause temporary irritation and bronchospasm which can be reduced by administering with a bronchodilator e.g. adrenaline. Insert and aspirate nasogastric tube (to remove any swallowed air splinting the diaphragm), then leave on free drainage. A bronchoalveolar levage will often be performed once the patient reaches PICU. Two peripheral cannulae will be required, however an arterial or central line is not normally required unless the patient is haemodynamically unstable or if peripheral access proves difficult.

How may it affect feeding?

Bronchiolitis is treated in different ways, depending on the severity of your child’s symptoms. On this page we explain how you can care for a child with bronchiolitis at home, the treatment they might have if they have to go to hospital and when you can expect your child to get better. Babies with risk factors should have a lower threshold for assessment in secondary care as they are more likely to deteriorate faster and need supportive care.

Pleural disease

Use isotonic fluids (risk of SIADH) e.g. 0.9% saline and 5% dextrose or 0.9% saline and 10% dextrose in neonates +/- added KCL. Ensure the ventilator/circuit you are using is suitable for use in infants (this is a common cause refractory hypercapnia in this age group). Likewise use of large filters, oversized capnography or angle pieces all increase the dead space and may cause hypercapnia.